Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Pranayama techniques: Breathing through the nose

Today's yoga class began with everyone blowing their noses to clear their airways for deep breathing. I explained about the hair in the nose and how important breathing is for getting oxygen into your body. Then we did some Pranayama breathing exercises by alternating inhaling and exhaling through one nostril. Nose breathing also promotes correct diaphragmatic action as well.
We did many of the same poses as last week because this is a different group. Seastar continues to be a favorite - something about the freeing and fun feeling it is to be spread out in all directions! We did a variation and we attempted to do a seastar pose jumping in mid air. We did it 5 times shouting "seastar!" every time.
We also did our partner poses, square, rock and sunbather etc., and we talked about Namaste being "the good in me sees the good in you." They each maintain eye contact with each person as they said it after svasana..

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