Monday, November 30, 2009

Sun salutation, warrior, windmills

Today we read and looked at a few pictures of Babar doing yoga, then we learned the sun salutation! We attempted to hop back into plank pose then transition to downward dog and the kids caught on really quick! We went into warrior, triangle and then windmills followed by making a V with our bodies. (also known as core strengthening...)
The kids were then shown two ways to get into a handstand, by kicking up to the wall or by walking up the wall. Most picked walking up the wall but Mireille kicked up with a little help and did great!

I tried something new today, when the kids were in svasana I tapped a student that had been well behaved and listened particularly well the class session and they were allowed to use the Tibetan bowl to waken the other children. Today Bennet was picked for his great effort today! Congratulations!

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